Introducing Advanced Sermons 3.0: Elevate Your Digital Sermons

Introducing Advanced Sermons 3.0: Elevate Your Digital Sermons

Introducing Advanced Sermons 3.0: Elevate Your Digital Sermons

Hello to our devoted community,

The countdown has begun! Your patience, support, and unwavering enthusiasm have brought us to the brink of an exciting new chapter – the much-anticipated release of Advanced Sermons 3.0.

Your valuable feedback and feature requests have been instrumental in shaping this upcoming version, and for that, we are profoundly grateful. Each suggestion has been meticulously considered and integrated, culminating in a product that is truly a reflection of your needs and expectations.

We’re releasing this new version on August 10th, 2023. We look forward to embarking on this next chapter of our journey together. Below is a glimpse at just some of the new features that you can find in Advanced Sermons 3.0. We also go over the pricing increase for new licenses that you will see upon it’s release and how to save money if you purchase now.

1. Enhanced Filters with Search by Keyword and Date Picker

One of the significant improvements in Advanced Sermons 3.0 is the newly enhanced filter. Now, finding specific sermons is more comfortable than ever with our keyword search functionality. Plus, with the added date picker feature, you can directly pinpoint sermons from a particular date, giving you an unrivaled precision in your sermon search.

Enhanced Filters with Search by Keyword and Date Picker

2. New Pagination Types: Load More and Infinity Scroll

We’ve also expanded our pagination options to enhance your site’s usability. In addition to the traditional Numeric pagination, you can now opt for the Load More or Infinity Scroll options. These offer new ways for your users to navigate through your sermons, tailoring their experience to their personal browsing preference.

New Pagination Types: Load More and Infinity Scroll

3. Supercharged Series Functionality

Get ready for a major boost to your series functionality! Now, you can default sermon images to series images when a sermon image isn’t applied – how convenient is that? But the fun doesn’t stop there. We’ve also enabled series shortcodes to support pagination types like Numeric, Load More, and Infinity Scroll. Plus, we’ve integrated the automatic display of the number of sermons and date ranges within a series. This functionality overhauls the way you display your series on a whole new level.

Supercharged Series Functionality

4. Effortless Organization with Drag and Drop Ordering

Say goodbye to time-consuming taxonomy arrangement. Our new drag and drop feature allows you to effortlessly arrange your sermon taxonomies – series, speakers, topics, books – in the order that suits you best. Find this organizational game-changer in the archive settings. Get ready to make sorting sermons a breeze!

Effortless Organization with Drag and Drop Ordering

5. Engage Audiences with Sermon Carousels

Who said sermons can’t have a visual wow factor? With the updated sermon shortcode, you can now display your sermons in a stunning carousel anywhere on your website. Captivate your audience and draw them deeper into your content with this vibrant, eye-catching addition.

Engage Audiences with Sermon Carousels

6. Unleash Your Creativity with the new Archive Shortcode

Your freedom in building your archive pages just got a significant boost! With the new sermon archive shortcode, you can display the sermon archive template on any WordPress theme. This means more flexibility and more creativity in displaying your sermons with your choice of Page Builder. Go ahead – unleash your creative power!

Unleash Your Creativity with the new Archive Shortcode

7. Universal Video Embedding for Limitless Flexibility

Ever wanted to incorporate videos from various platforms into your sermons but found yourself limited? Not anymore! We’re thrilled to announce that Advanced Sermons 3.0 now supports video embeds from any platform. Yes, you heard it right – any platform!

Whether you prefer YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, or any other video hosting service, we’ve got you covered. This latest update opens up a world of possibilities, allowing you to enrich your sermons with diverse multimedia content from across the web. Experience limitless flexibility and provide an even more engaging user experience with Advanced Sermons 3.0.

Universal Video Embedding for Limitless Flexibility

8. Improved Image Aspect Ratio Settings

We’ve gone the extra mile to ensure your sermons always look their best. With optimized image aspect ratio settings across all layouts, your series and series details will maintain perfect visual consistency. Get ready for a smoother, more visually pleasing browsing experience.

Improved Image Aspect Ratio Settings

9. Scripture Visibility on Grid View Layout

With the new Advanced Sermons 3.0, you can now display scriptures on the grid view archive template. This handy feature can be enabled or disabled within the settings, giving you complete control over your sermon display.

Scripture Visibility on Grid View Archive Template

10. Enhanced Accessibility with Reworked Permalinks and Free Archive Slug Option

Experience seamless integration like never before. Advanced Sermons 3.0 is now compatible with any WordPress permalink setting, ensuring our plugin works effortlessly with your WordPress installation. To top it off, we’ve made the sermon archive slug option free. You can take Advanced Sermons for a spin and test out its compatibility before deciding to commit to the Pro version. Here’s to smooth sailing with Advanced Sermons on your WordPress site!

Enhanced Accessibility with Reworked Permalinks and Free Archive Slug Option

11. Superior SEO with Speed and Image Optimizations

We’re excited to announce that with Advanced Sermons 3.0, your SEO game is about to level up. We’ve made considerable improvements to loading speeds, ensuring your pages rank higher on search engine results pages. After all, speed is a crucial ranking factor in today’s fast-paced digital world.

In addition to faster loading times, we’ve optimized image sizes and incorporated alt text, further boosting your SEO potential. With these enhancements, your site becomes more accessible and ranks better, as search engines can understand the content of your images more accurately.

12. Language Customization at Your Fingertips

Say a big hello to flexibility and goodbye to third-party plugins. We’ve loaded Advanced Sermons 3.0 with additional language options, enabling you to customize the plugin’s terminology exactly the way you want it. Cater to diverse audiences, localize content, or simply personalize your site’s language – the choice is yours!

Language Customization at Your Fingertips

13. Optimized YouTube Embeds for an Exceptional User Experience

We’ve got more exciting news for you! Our YouTube embeds have undergone a transformation. They’re now fully optimized for the new live URL structures and start time allowances. Whether you’re embedding live sermons or setting specific start times for videos, you can now do it all effortlessly. Plus, at the end of a YouTube video, only your profile’s uploaded videos will be displayed. Get ready to provide a truly seamless and tailored user experience with Advanced Sermons 3.0.

14. Revitalized Sermon Details Meta Box

We’ve added a new field – ‘Video Type’, offering greater control over your multimedia sermon content. We’ve also broken down the elements into clearly defined sections such as ‘Video Settings’, ‘Audio Settings’, and ‘Resources’ to make navigating through the details as smooth as possible.

Revitalized Sermon Details Meta Box
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It’s great to see this coming. Any plans for blocks?


excited to check out the new features! Great work