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History of all Advanced Sermons releases. Wanna have a say in what’s next? Submit your idea to help make Advanced Sermons the best WordPress Sermon plugin.
= 2.3 = * Fix: Added default series image logic to sermon widget * Updated: CSS improvements for series and speaker details on mobile. Adjusted padding. * New: New option to remove search field from filter * New: Introduced image lazy loading to images to help with load speeds and SEO * New: Import books of the Bible = 2.2 = * Fix: CSS improvements and updates * Fix: Now supports up to PHP version 8.1 * Fix: Duplicate sermons functionality. Now also excludes view count. * Updated: Modified list view to have sermon date and series details on top of title to match grid view layout * Updated: Improvement to plugin SEO by adding dynamic alt text to images * Updated: Related sermons in the single sermon page now display the same information as the sermon archive page * Updated: Bible Passage label has been changed to Scripture * Updated: Series aspect ratio now applies to the series details template and series shortcode * Updated: Sermon aspect ratio now applies to the list view layout * New: Added support for additional orderby parameters to asp-speakers shortcode * New: New option to support video embedding on the single sermon page * New: Sermon series now display the number of sermons assigned through the shortcode option and sermon details * New: New option to change the label of Book from the general settings of Advanced Sermons * New: Added a handful of new language settings to allow more customization to rely less on translation plugins * New: New option to default to series image if sermon cover image is not applied * New: New archive pagination type option to load more sermons using the default numeric, load more button, and infinity scroll * New: Sermon scripture can now be displayed on the sermon archive template when using the grid view layout * New: New archive shortcode to display the sermon archive and filtering on any page * New: New pagination, load more, and infinity scrolling functionality to the series shortcode * New: New carousel functionality added to the sermon shortcode = 2.1 = * Updated: Added \'asp_hook_sermon_archive_before_excerpt\' hook to sermon list view * Updated: Added \'asp_hook_sermon_archive_after_excerpt\' hook to sermon list view * Updated: Depreciated Sermon and Series Thumbnail Height. Replaced with image aspect ratios * New: Added new option to change image aspect ratios * New: Added \'asp_hook_series_details_after_content\' hook to series details template * New: Added \'asp_hook_speaker_details_after_content\' hook to speaker details template = 2.0 = * Updated: Optimized translatable text. * New: Link target control for archive page. Have sermons open in a new tab. = 1.9 = * Updated: Upgraded Font Awesome to version 5.14.0 * Updated: Changed excerpt length function priority. * New: Minor CSS modifications on speaker and series details. * New: Facebook Video Integration. * New: Bulletin field added to sermons. = 1.8 = * New: New sermon layout! Choose to display your sermons in a grid view or list view. * New: Customize related sermons count. * New: New language settings tab. Customize the default text for elements in Advanced Sermons. * New: New copy to clipboard button for shortcodes. * New: New style parameter for the [asp-sermons] shortcode to choose between a grid-view or list-view. * New: New topic parameter for the [asp-sermons] shortcode to display sermons only from a specific topic. = 1.7 = * Fix: Modified the_post_thumbnail default size to increase compatibility with some WordPress themes that had a set post thumbnail size defined. * Updated: CSS stylesheets to remove unwanted text padding and margin spacing that is automatically applied by some WordPress themes. * New: Notice that alerts users that they must install and activate the parent plugin Advanced Sermons if pro add-on is only installed and activated. * New: Parameters added to the series shortcode to let users define order and number of series. * New: Parameters added to the speakers shortcode to let users define order and number of speakers. = 1.6 = * New: Bible Passage field added to sermons * New: Display series details on single series page * New: Display speaker details on single speaker page * New: Option to hide meta fields from sermon edit page * New: Speakers Shortcode * New: Sermon Widget Shortcode * New: Series Widget Shortcode * New: Speaker Widget Shortcode * Updated: Plugin Optimization = 1.5 = * Updated: Ready for WordPress 5.3 * Updated: Settings UI updates = 1.4 = * Updated: Select and display up to five speakers for a single sermon * New: Optimization for custom sermon label in free version = 1.3 = * Fix: Series shortcode VC 5.5 margin layout conflict * New: Select and display up to two speakers for a single sermon * New: Version control Advanced Sermons Pro CSS stylesheets = 1.2 = * Fix: Related sermons 404 redirect error on subdirectory installs * Fix: Related sermons date format to reflect sermon date format in general settings * Updated: Language translation compatibility = 1.1 = * New: Add action hooks to pro version shortcodes * Update: Supports new customize topics label * New: Customize filter bar with the ability to hiding filter options * Fix: 404 redirect error on subdirectory installs = 1.0 = * Initial Release!