
Advanced Sermons
- Updated: Adjusted allowed HTML for field sanitization for better combatibility with embeds.
- Updated: Improved Field Sanitization
- Fix: Issue with speaker images on single sermon template when using drag & drop ordering for speakers.
- Updated: XSS Security improvements
- Updated: Minor improvements to date filtering functionality
- Updated: Improved compatability with sermon excerpt to auto extract text when manual excerpt is not used.
- Updated: Security improvements
- Fix: Issue fixed with function asp_term_orderby when switching to drag and drop for the first time after updating from an older version of Advanced sermons.
- Fix: AJAX load more mobile functionality. Changed scroll to position.
- Fix: Js and AJAX errors when filter is disabled
- Fix: Filtering issues when taxonomy field was disabled
- Fix: Theme compatibility with Litepicker. Added prefixed wrapper.
- Fix: Incorrect position of archive container bottom hook on 3.0 update
- Fix: Removed ‘Read More’ with ajax excerpt if excerpt is empty
- Fix: Video Settings now correctly hidden if all video meta fields are hidden using pro version
- Fix: Fixed rewrite rules not being flushed upon plugin installation that was causing 404 errors for new users
- Fix: Fixed drag and drop ordering when there are multiple pages on the edit taxonomy page and the last page not matching items pet page set in WordPress. Bug caused random items to change positioning on page reload.
- Fix: Series and Speaker image would apply to next newest taxonomy if page not refreshed and latest term did not have an image
- Fix: Issue where asp_term_orderby() was causing ordering and duplicate term issues with series shortcode in Pro version
- Fix: Issue where featured content was loaded when pagination was activated causing a jump on mobile devices when new sermons were loaded
- Updated: CSS improvements for criteria on mobile. Made text smaller
- Updated: Added support for themes that are using fluidvids
- Updated: Changed audio download icon on single sermon template
- Updated: Changed Topic taxonomy to add tag support
- Updated: Logic to remove select2 on filter fields added by themes and 3rd party plugins.
- Updated: Improved UI for drag-and-drop order by only showing drag icons if drag-and-drop is enabled. Added hints to manage large libraries.
- New: Option to enable the WordPress block editor under the general settings of Advanced Sermons
- New: Ability to add start time to Vimeo videos with new ?t= parameter
- New: Independent Content Width option for archive template
- New: “Add Sermon Audio” now automatically filters to only show supported file types in media library. Makes it easier to find and add audio files to sermons.
- New: Introduced lazy loading to images to help with load speeds and SEO
- New: New option to remove search field from filter. Advanced Sermons Pro required.
- New: Replaced View column with Sermon Data column to display video type, audio type, image type, and view count
- New: Books to be grouped under old and new testaments. System automatically does this in the background.
- New: Import books of the Bible. Advanced Sermons Pro required.
- New: Series, speakers, topics, and books are now included in the search functionality. For taxonomies it must be an exact match to help narrow down results.
- Fix: Error when saving on language settings page when Advanced Sermons Pro is not active.
- Fix: CSS improvements and updates
- Fix: Added CSS to fix formatting issues with Astra theme
- Fix: Now supports up to PHP version 8.1
- Fix: Fix to taxonomies linking to the wrong item. Now adds support to an unlimited number of taxonomies assigned to a sermon
- Fix: Sermon and series images not longer go out of alignment when the holder is set to text align center from page builders of the active WordPress theme
- Fix: Sermon audio player no longer displays when an incorrect file format is assigned
- Fix: Issue fixed where Facebook SDK injection would remove favicon icon with DIVI theme
- Updated: Improvement to plugin SEO by adding dynamic alt text to images
- Updated: Improvement to stylization of plugin and layouts
- Updated: Improvements to YouTube video embeds to restrict info cards at end of the video to current account only
- Updated: Improved excerpt read more formatting
- Updated: Changed order filter labels from ‘DESC’ and ‘ASC’ to ‘Newest’ and ‘Oldest’. (If you translated these, you will need to update.)
- Updated: Changed filter ‘Clear’ label to ‘Clear all’ (If you translated this, you will need to update.)
- Updated: Modified sermon speaker holder so show all speakers assigned to a single sermon on single sermon template
- Updated: There is now no limit to the number of series, speakers, topics, and books that can be assigned to a single sermon
- Updated: Added support for YouTube’s new live URL formatting
- Updated: Added support for start time for YouTube videos
- Updated: The custom Sermon Archive Slug option is now available in the free version!
- Updated: Improvements to all image aspect ratios
- Updated: Topics are now set to hierarchical true by default changing its formatting to match the other taxonomies
- New: Search functionality added to sermon filter and improved search filter styling
- New: Date Range functionality added to sermon filter
- New: Option to disable the sermon count from displaying in the filter dropdown’s
- New: Option to disable sermon image from displaying on the single sermons page
- New: Sermon, Series, and Speaker images now display in the admin columns of WordPress
- New: Drag and drop custom ordering functionality for all sermon taxonomies
- New: Support and improvements to all WordPress permalink structures
- New: Updates to Sermon meta box by adding sections and improving video type organization
- New: Sermons are now loaded using AJAX with instant filtering of the filter bar
- New: Added support for the following sermon audio formats: .mp3, .wav, and .ogg
- New: A handful of new features included in Advanced Sermons Pro!
- Fix: Minor CSS updates.
- Fix: Minor CSS updates.
- Fix: Updated logic that controls template override.
- Fix: Issue where sermon featured image was displaying when a Vimeo video was applied to a sermon.
- Updated: Depreciated Orderby dropdown from filter bar.
- Updated: Modified filter bar default styling.
- Updated: Modified the default sermon date format and added additional formatting options.
- Updated: Changed single sermon template to display title first and made a few other UI improvements.
- Updated: Sermon images now display at a default 16:9 aspect ratio. Additional aspect ratio options available in Pro Version.
- New: Sermon featured image now displays on the single sermon template if no video is applied.
- New: Added border to sermon grid layout to help UI for churches that don’t have images applied to sermons.
- New: Updated styling on sermon detail buttons and added a tooltip upon hovering.
- New: Added sermon count to filter bar dropdown.
- New: Added ability to override archive and single sermon template files from your theme. See online documentation for details.
- New: Tooltips now display when hovering over sermon detail buttons.
- Fix: Modified sermon post type rewrite rules.
- Updated: Optimized translatable text.
- Updated: Sermon downloadable files now automatically download instead of opening in a new tab.
- Updated: Sermon archive pagination optimized to new numeric format for better UX.
- Updated: Optimized the way sermons are included in search results when registering the post type.
- Updated: Filter options are now hidden if no taxonomies are assigned to sermons.
- Fix: Topics and series filters changed back to order by title instead of date.
- Fix: Speaker and Series quick edit deletion of assigned image.
- Fix: Taxonomy view action links now redirect to correct locations.
- New: Pro Feature – New navigation section on the single sermon template to filter through sermons.
- New: Auto Pluralization – setting to disable pluralization for Sermon, Topic, and Speaker labels.
- New: Additional action hooks on single sermon template to allow additional custom modifications.
- New: Advanced Sermons media player light theme style kit. You can disable this under Misc settings.
- New: Single Sermon “All Sermons” button URL option.
- New: You can now filter & assign Books to sermons with the new Book taxonomy.
- Updated: Upgraded Font Awesome to version 5.14.0
- Updated: Improved sermon filter functionality.
- Updated: Added a higher priority to the sermon archive count to help with possible theme conflicts.
- Updated: Archive criteria box can now be modified via a new hook. See online documentation.
- Updated: Archive title can now be modified via a new hook. See online documentation.
- Updated: Sermon PDF has been changed to Sermon Notes.
- Updated: Sermon details Listen has been changed to Audio.
- Updated: Minor CSS changes to optimize for new features.
- Updated: Sermons are now displayed by date in admin.
- Fix: Element background color option now applies to speaker details section.
- New: Added sermon archive quick link to manage sermons dropdown.
- New: Five topics can now be assigned to a single sermon.
- New: Pro Feature – Facebook Video Integration.
- New: Pro Feature – Bulletin field added to sermons.
- Updated: Ready for WordPress 5.5
- Updated: Topics are now clickable.
- Fix: Archive title bug displaying the incorrect title when multiple topics are applied to a sermon.
- New: Pro Feature – New sermon layout! Choose to display your sermons in a grid view or list view.
- New: Pro Feature – Customize related sermons count.
- New: Pro Feature – New language settings tab. Customize the default text for elements in Advanced Sermons.
- New: Pro Feature – New copy to clipboard button for shortcodes.
- Fix: Modified the_post_thumbnail default size to increase compatibility with some WordPress themes that had a set post thumbnail size defined
- Updated: CSS stylesheets to remove unwanted text padding and margin spacing that is automatically applied by some WordPress themes
- Updated: Font Awesome to 4.7
- Updated: Sermon position on dashboard menu moved to help reduce any conflicts
- Updated: User capability to access general settings has been changed to manage_options
- Updated: Plugin optimizations
- New: Disable Font Awesome settings
- New: Element design options
- New: Sermon speaker detail fields
- New: Pro Feature – Bible Passage field added to sermons
- New: Pro Feature – Display series details on single series page
- New: Pro Feature – Display speaker details on single speaker page
- New: Pro Feature – Option to hide meta fields from sermon edit page
- New: Pro Feature – Speakers shortcode
- New: Pro Feature – Sermon widget shortcode
- New: Pro Feature – Series widget shortcode
- New: Pro Feature – Speaker widget shortcode
- New: Customization menu item for developers to add custom options to Advanced Sermons
- New: Added more hooks for developers
- Updated: Ready for WordPress 5.3
- Fix: Filter button background color design settings not working
- New: Show filtered search criteria on archive page in new criteria bar
- New: Archive option to hide criteria box
- New: Single sermon option to remove archive button
- New: Customize sermon label
- Fix: Filter bar button hover background color value wrong in design settings
- Fix: Archive speaker name in-correct when sermon had multiple speakers
- Updated: Select and display up to five speakers for a single sermon
- New: Select and display up to two speakers for a single sermon
- New: Version control Advanced Sermons CSS stylesheets
- New: Added a all sermons button on single sermon page
- Update: Hide single sermon content border if there is no content
- Fix: Multiple inline styling spacing on design settings for a better UI
- Fix: Minor single sermon CSS theme compatibility modifications
- Update: Language translation compatibility
- New: Customize topic label
- New: Style pagination button design options
- New: Style filter bar dropdown design options
- New: Style filter bar button design options
- New: Style archive sermon details design options
- New: Style single sermon details design options
- New: Add action hooks throughout Advanced Sermons to allow custom modifications
- New: Customize filter bar with the ability to hiding filter options
- New: Display filter criteria in archive title
- Fix: 404 redirect error on subdirectory installs
- Update: Styling compatibility to have better format results with all themes.
- Fix: Remove on-change event from speaker and series filter bar. Will filter when selecting filter button now.
- New: Disable Sermon image option. Display the default title background image on the single sermon page instead of the sermon image.
- Update: Plugin Optimization
- New: Added sermon content width options
- New: Archive Sermon title font customization
- New: Archive Sermon excerpt font customization
- New: Sermon title font customization
- New: Sermon paragraph font customization
- New: Sermon details font color customization
- Fix: Sermon content default width compatibility with more themes.
- New: Add page background color to design settings.
- New: Add custom CSS to design settings.
- Fix: Set default ASP page templates to background color white.
- Initial Release!
Advanced Sermons Pro
= 2.3 = * Fix: Added default series image logic to sermon widget * Updated: CSS improvements for series and speaker details on mobile. Adjusted padding. * New: New option to remove search field from filter * New: Introduced image lazy loading to images to help with load speeds and SEO * New: Import books of the Bible = 2.2 = * Fix: CSS improvements and updates * Fix: Now supports up to PHP version 8.1 * Fix: Duplicate sermons functionality. Now also excludes view count. * Updated: Modified list view to have sermon date and series details on top of title to match grid view layout * Updated: Improvement to plugin SEO by adding dynamic alt text to images * Updated: Related sermons in the single sermon page now display the same information as the sermon archive page * Updated: Bible Passage label has been changed to Scripture * Updated: Series aspect ratio now applies to the series details template and series shortcode * Updated: Sermon aspect ratio now applies to the list view layout * New: Added support for additional orderby parameters to asp-speakers shortcode * New: New option to support video embedding on the single sermon page * New: Sermon series now display the number of sermons assigned through the shortcode option and sermon details * New: New option to change the label of Book from the general settings of Advanced Sermons * New: Added a handful of new language settings to allow more customization to rely less on translation plugins * New: New option to default to series image if sermon cover image is not applied * New: New archive pagination type option to load more sermons using the default numeric, load more button, and infinity scroll * New: Sermon scripture can now be displayed on the sermon archive template when using the grid view layout * New: New archive shortcode to display the sermon archive and filtering on any page * New: New pagination, load more, and infinity scrolling functionality to the series shortcode * New: New carousel functionality added to the sermon shortcode = 2.1 = * Updated: Added \'asp_hook_sermon_archive_before_excerpt\' hook to sermon list view * Updated: Added \'asp_hook_sermon_archive_after_excerpt\' hook to sermon list view * Updated: Depreciated Sermon and Series Thumbnail Height. Replaced with image aspect ratios * New: Added new option to change image aspect ratios * New: Added \'asp_hook_series_details_after_content\' hook to series details template * New: Added \'asp_hook_speaker_details_after_content\' hook to speaker details template = 2.0 = * Updated: Optimized translatable text. * New: Link target control for archive page. Have sermons open in a new tab. = 1.9 = * Updated: Upgraded Font Awesome to version 5.14.0 * Updated: Changed excerpt length function priority. * New: Minor CSS modifications on speaker and series details. * New: Facebook Video Integration. * New: Bulletin field added to sermons. = 1.8 = * New: New sermon layout! Choose to display your sermons in a grid view or list view. * New: Customize related sermons count. * New: New language settings tab. Customize the default text for elements in Advanced Sermons. * New: New copy to clipboard button for shortcodes. * New: New style parameter for the asp-sermons shortcode to choose between a grid-view or list-view. * New: New topic parameter for the asp-sermons shortcode to display sermons only from a specific topic. = 1.7 = * Fix: Modified the_post_thumbnail default size to increase compatibility with some WordPress themes that had a set post thumbnail size defined. * Updated: CSS stylesheets to remove unwanted text padding and margin spacing that is automatically applied by some WordPress themes. * New: Notice that alerts users that they must install and activate the parent plugin Advanced Sermons if pro add-on is only installed and activated. * New: Parameters added to the series shortcode to let users define order and number of series. * New: Parameters added to the speakers shortcode to let users define order and number of speakers. = 1.6 = * New: Bible Passage field added to sermons * New: Display series details on single series page * New: Display speaker details on single speaker page * New: Option to hide meta fields from sermon edit page * New: Speakers Shortcode * New: Sermon Widget Shortcode * New: Series Widget Shortcode * New: Speaker Widget Shortcode * Updated: Plugin Optimization = 1.5 = * Updated: Ready for WordPress 5.3 * Updated: Settings UI updates = 1.4 = * Updated: Select and display up to five speakers for a single sermon * New: Optimization for custom sermon label in free version = 1.3 = * Fix: Series shortcode VC 5.5 margin layout conflict * New: Select and display up to two speakers for a single sermon * New: Version control Advanced Sermons Pro CSS stylesheets = 1.2 = * Fix: Related sermons 404 redirect error on subdirectory installs * Fix: Related sermons date format to reflect sermon date format in general settings * Updated: Language translation compatibility = 1.1 = * New: Add action hooks to pro version shortcodes * Update: Supports new customize topics label * New: Customize filter bar with the ability to hiding filter options * Fix: 404 redirect error on subdirectory installs = 1.0 = * Initial Release!