We’re very careful about what features make it into the plugin. The result is a solid, stable, feature-rich sermon solution that is easy to use and implement.
Advanced Sermons provides essential tools for managing sermons. Upgrade to Pro to unlock powerful shortcodes, additional layouts, embed options, and more. View Pro features.
Your media can be uploaded via WordPress or from popular sites like YouTube, Vimeo and SoundCloud. Additional options available with Pro.
Filter your sermons with our easy to use filter bar allowing you to select your favorite series, speakers, topics, or books.
Need to add a campus or service type filtering functionality to your churches website? No problem!
The grid view is the default layout for Advanced Sermons designed to showcase your sermons in a simple, clean design that works with any WordPress theme.
Create, manage, and categorize Sermons by Series. Allow users to filter Sermons by Series.
Attach resources and other files to your sermons so users can download and use them at a later time or follow along.
Easily customize the look and feel of Advanced Sermons without touching a single line of line.
Track view counts of sermons to get a better understanding of what your congregation is interested in.
Connect your sermons to your favorite podcasting platforms by utilizing PowerPress. PowerPress integrates seamlessly with Advanced Sermons.
Our new drag and drop feature allows you to effortlessly arrange your sermon taxonomies – series, speakers, topics, books.
We’ve worked hard to make sure Advanced Sermons is compatible with nearly every WordPress theme on the market.
Advanced Sermons integrates fully with WordPress’s native search features making it easy for visitors to find sermons.
Ability to remove filter functionality, hide criteria selection, display or hide sermon count, auto categorize books and more.
Ability to easily select which sermon details to hide on the archive template and sermon shortcodes.
We're excited to announce the new Extension Manager available in Advanced Sermons 4.0. We will be adding new extension options in the future that can be enabled and disabled.
Easily organize sermons with multiple taxonomies like Series, Topics, Speakers, and Books. Additional options available in Extension Manager.
Designed so that any staff member, volunteer, or paster can easily add and edit sermons and series.
Purchase Advanced Sermons Pro to unlock its full potential and join a growing list of satisfied churches worldwide.
Bring your congregation closer with powerful tools to manage and display your sermons effortlessly. View Pricing
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