Pro Feature

Shortcodes are a Pro feature and only available with Advanced Sermons Pro. Upgrade to unlock this features today.

Recent Sermons

The asp-sermons shortcode lets you display recent sermons in grid, list, or carousel layouts, with filters for topics, speakers, series, campus, and service type.

Latest Sermon

Tempus dictumst nulla proin nascetur risus convallis non si letius tristique quisque natoque integer adipiscing habitasse dignissim ac dictum

Latest Series

Tempus dictumst nulla proin nascetur risus convallis non si letius tristique quisque natoque integer adipiscing habitasse dignissim ac dictum

Latest Series

Kingdom Parables

August 3, 2023 - August 10, 2023

Diving into the parables of Jesus to uncover the mysteries of the Kingdom of God and its implications for believers.

Sermons: 3

. Renewed Mindset

Series Shortcode

The asp-series shortcode displays a sermon series archive with options for order, pagination, and visibility of titles, dates, and sermon counts. Customize to fit your needs.



October 19, 2018 - October 20, 2018

Sermons: 2
The Journey

The Journey

October 18, 2018 - August 4, 2023

Sermons: 3


May 31, 2019 - August 2, 2023

Sermons: 4


The asp-speakers shortcode displays your sermon speakers with options to sort by name or creation date and control the number of speakers shown.


The asp-widgets shortcode is perfect for sidebars, offering stylish list formats to display recent sermons, series, or speakers.

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