Translate Text In Advanced Sermons #
In this online documentation we will walk you through how to translate the text in Advanced Sermons further than the included translation options built into Advanced Sermons Pro.
Step 1. Download the plugin Loco Translate
WordPress has a few options on the repository to translate the text on your WordPress installation. For this documentation we will be using Loco Translate which is a popular translation plugin with the WordPress community.
To begin, you will need to go to the WordPress repository and download and activate the plugin Loco Translate:
Step 2. Loco Translate Plugin Settings
Once you have the plugin downloaded and activated, navigate to Loco Translate to create the necessary files for Advanced Sermons. You can do this by navigating to Loco Translate > Plugins.
Now that you’re on the translate plugin page, you will need to duplicate the following steps for both Advanced Sermons and Advanced Sermons Pro. Most translation options will be included in the main Advanced Sermons plugin.
Step 3. Create Template Files
Click on Advanced Sermons and Advanced Sermons Pro and create a template by clicking ‘Create Template’.
Step 4. Add New Language
Now that you have created a template, you will want to add your new language by hitting the ‘New Language’ button. You will then get navigated the following screen where you can select your desired language and location.
Make sure the location is set to ‘System’. This is important and will not work if you do not set this.
Once a language has been created you will be able to go through the .PO file and translate the default text to your desired output. Make sure to hit the ‘Sync’ button to broadcast your changes to your website.
Step 5. Having Issues Translating Some Words?
As you go through the .PO file you may see that some terms like ‘Sermons, Topics, and Speakers’ are not translatable. This is because they’re getting translated in our plugin to be plural where they need to on the frontend. You can make these terms translatable by following the steps below.
Navigate to the Settings of Advanced Sermons and make sure all translations fields are empty that you wish to translate with Loco Translate. Loco Translate will not work if you have these items changed in the settings of Advanced Sermons.
Navigate to Loco Translate > Plugins > Advanced Sermons and click ‘Edit Template’.
Now you will want to hit the ‘Add’ button and type in the follow terms separately and clicking ‘Save’ after you add each term. If you’re having issues translating any text in the Advanced Sermons you can follow this same step, these three words are just an example that most users ask about located in the filter dropdown.
Note: You can not translate your text from the template file. Please follow the steps below to translate. The template file is only for adding in terms.
Now that you have added your custom terms to your template and saved your changes, navigate back to your ‘Language’ file and hit ‘Edit’.
Once you’re on the ‘Edit Language’ page click the ‘Sync’ button and you will see your custom terms that you have added and you can translate your text from here.
Step 6. Final Tips
Certain elements like the sermon archive filter bar you will need to translate the text separately.
For example, any text that is translatable from Advanced Sermons settings will have the ‘All {term}’ separate. So you will need to translate the text ‘All’ and the term separately. For none plural or translatable text like ‘All Series’ and ‘All Books’, you can translate those together and will be in your language file by default.
We hope this online documentation was useful. If you have any questions or needs support on Loco Translate, please reach out to the Loco Translate support as this is not our plugin and we do not offer support on it. Please also keep in mind that all text in our plugin is translatable. If you’re having issues, please re-read this documentation to see how you can add in the term you’re having issues with and repeat the steps.